Easter - Run, Stoop, Go Home

Happy week after Easter! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Vince noticed how the apostle John makes it known for all time that both he and Peter ran to the empty tomb of Jesus-- but John was faster! There were 2 others words that he noted... that they "stooped" and they "returned home". How can we apply our own lives to this passage?

We use LIVE events to provide message notes, additional resources to the morning message, and some general info about our community.

2017Vince Medrano
Romans 13: Love and Duty

Pastor Benji looks back to the apostle Paul's self-description of himself: "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus." We can't understand Paul's instruction about submitting to government in Romans 13 without remembering that he was not a "slave of the emperor"; he was "a slave of Jesus". But what does that mean for us today?

We use LIVE events to provide message notes, additional resources to the morning message, and some general info about our community. Click below to view.

2017Vince Medrano
Freedom From Slavery

This week, Pastor Benji, looks back to the apostle Paul's self-description of himself: "Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus." We can't understand Paul's instruction about submitting to government in Romans 13 without remembering that he was not a "slave of the emperor"; he was "a slave of Jesus". But what does that mean for us today?

We use LIVE events to post sermon notes, resources, and info about what is happening around the FCC community. Click here.

2017Vince Medrano
Paul the Pioneer

We are living in epic times. The disruption of nations and the relocation of people is the largest in history. The UN Refugee Agency reported that in 2014 59.5 million people worldwide were displaced. "Globally, one in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum. If this were the population of a country, it would be the world’s 24th biggest." And, as we all know, many are landing here in San Diego. Jesus said to his disciples: "Go into all the world..." The truth is we no longer have to go very far. 

This week's speaker is Jim Scott, Associate Director of Foursquare Missions International. You will find his reflection encouraging, empowering, and challenging. We live in times of great opportunity.

In response to Sunday's message we are encouraging donations to the Alliance for African Assistance which works with refugees from Africa and the Middle East. You can make a contribution through our website. On the giving form under missions select "Relief Missions" and 100% of what you donate will be given.

You can also give directly to the Alliance, here.

We use LIVE events to provide message notes, info about upcoming opportunities, and additional resources. Click here to view.

2017Vince Medrano
When God Doesn't Answer My Prayers

This week Fernando Castillo, our District Supervisor (think "bishop") led us in a reflection on how to live when God doesn't answer our prayers the way we would like. How often has many of us received answered prayer for a parking space in a crowded lot but did not see God move on our behalf on behalf of family members who are suffering? Unanswered prayer hurts and challenges our trust in a loving God. Unanswered prayer is a reason why many walk away from an abiding faith in God. How shall we live when God doesn't answer our prayers our way? 

We use LIVE event to post notes, resources, and information. Click here to access.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida: How Shall We Now Live? (Part 2)

This week we look at Romans 13. What does is the role of government and our responsibility to it as followers of Jesus Christ? How do we live as residents in a nation when we are citizens of a different kingdom with allegiance to a different "King"? This week we look at the theological foundations for Paul's understanding of government. We hope you will find this helpful!

We use LIVE events as a resource for the morning message. Click here to view.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida: Light up the world!

We take a slight detour from Romans 12 to listen to Jesus' observations, warning, and encouragement about what His followers can expect and what Jesus expects from His followers as we endeavor to express genuine love in our world.

We use LIVE event to post the weekly sermon notes, announcements, and additional resources. Click here.

Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida: The Next Big Thing (Part 3)

This week we look at Romans 12.14-21 – Paul's "mini-message on the mount" where he exhorts followers to live a culture challenging life that confronts evil with love. These words ARE challenging and yet wouldn't the world be better if followers of Jesus endeavored to live the life described here?

We use LIVE events to provide resources, sermon notes, and information... Click here.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida: The Next Big Thing (Part 2)

This week we return to our discussion of  the Next Big Thing that has the potential to disrupt our world with a love that is as powerful as it is humbling, and as expansive as it is personal. But is this doable or merely an idealistic vision that is out of touch with reality? 

We use LIVE events to post resources, sermon notes, etc. Click here to access.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida: The Next Big Thing

We continue with our overview of Romans 12. This week we identify the Next Big Thing that has the potential to disrupt our world. Its identity might surprise you

We use LIVE EVENT to post sermon notes, additional resources, and announcements... Click here.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida (Part 2)

This week week reflect upon how faith in Jesus will immediately point us to our relationship with people with a warning that we don't view ourselves in a manner that would cause us to disconnect from others... In these days of division, how liberating that faith in Christ empowers us to transcend divisions and saw peace that overcomes hostilities. Have a listen!

We use LIVE Events for publishing message notes, announcements, and additional resources. Click here for this week's event.

2017Vince Medrano
Viva La Vida

Have a listen this week as we start our year considering that Paul's call to present our bodies a living sacrifice means that we’re presenting to the Lord the fullness of our lives..  and we’re making a very real connection between our living and our worship. We want to live our lives in 2017 on point with liberty, generosity, and gallantry!

2017Vince Medrano
Awkward Family Christmas - Tamar

God chooses compromised and desperate people to express His grace and release His purposes. If that was true for Tamar, who seduced her father-in-law and joined the lineage of King David and Jesus, it can be true for us... have a listen!

We use LIVE Events to post our resources for the morning message. Please click here.

2016Vince Medrano
Romans: Think Different!

God has a vision for His people. His vision is to create a dynamic, unified, and life-giving people whose diversity is their strength. Yet, the Church has always struggled to celebrate her diversity and unleash it in a beneficial way that expresses and presents God's presence. If we are going to succeed in fulfilling God's vision for His people then we are going to have to think differently... and that is the theme of this week's message.

We use LIVE event as a resource. Click here to access the notes and additional resources that accompany this message.

2016Vince Medrano
Romans: Rethinking how you think!

Your mind matters! Everything you think, imagine, create, and feel happens "between" the ears. But how should we think about ourselves? How should we think about ourselves if we think too highly of ourselves? Or, more critical for many for many of us, how do we think about ourselves when we think too lowly of ourselves. What is a sound self-assessment based on? Join us as we reflect on these questions this week...

We use LIVE Event to post notes, resources and announcements. Click here to view.

2016Vince Medrano