Romans: Your mind matters!

Our mind matters because the mind is the soul's vehicle for contact with God. Here in Romans 12.2 Paul says that we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. So what is a Christian mind? Is a Christian mind narrow? Fearful? Intolerant? Is a Christian mind different from a "secular mind"? Join us as we consider why your mind matters!

Click here for this week's notes and resources.

2016Vince Medrano
Romans: How THEN shall we live? (Romans 12.1-4)

Last Sunday, September 25, we looked at Romans 12.1-4 where we discovered what makes the Christian life unique, relevant, and compelling amidst these incendiary times enflamed by racial tension and mistrust. The apostle's solution for the racial tension and division among Christians in Rome may well be the solution for the times in which we live too... What do you think?

2016Vince Medrano
Romans: A Church Ruined by Jesus - Romans 12.1-4

What is a church? What does it mean to be a church? How should a church relate to our culture -- our city and nation particularly in such polarizing times? What does it mean to be a ruined church?

Romans is a letter that is advocating that a church be a community of ruined people. By "ruined" we mean:

  • A community whose lives are DISRUPTED,
  • A community whose passions are reDIRECTED
  • A community whose egos are DEFEATED,
  • A community whose minds are DISCIPLED, and
  • A community whose strengths and talents are wholly DEVOTED to their Lord, to one another, and to the enterprise God has committed Himself to.

On Sunday, 18 September, we began to examine this theme in hopes that we might continue to grow and cultivate a "ruined community" that might bless, inspire, and influence women, men, youth, and children towards Jesus... This will be a challenging adventure -- join us!

For notes and any resources please click here.

2016Vince Medrano
Ukraine and the faith to "just do it"!

Here at Fatih Community we are involved in global partnerships around the world. Last Sunday, September 11, our guest was Roma Kornyenko from Kiev, Ukraine. Roma started an ministry to street children/orphans of Kiev almost 20 years ago at a time when Ukraine denied that it had an orphan crisis. In fact, Roma was imprisoned for serving street kids and starting an orphanage because officials felt he was shaming a nation. Now, he leads the largest orphanage in Ukraine and is sought out by government agencies to strategize the care of orphans. From the Father's House Orphanage has grown the national movement, Ukraine Without Orphans as well as a world-wide alliance, World Without Orphans. Sunday's message is an update and a challenge and well worth your time to listen...

We use LIVE EVENTS to post Scripture, announcements, etc. Click here to view.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation: AMEN! The response to what we believe in

Last Sunday, September 4, we concluded our summer series, Staycation, looking at the last word that concludes the Apostle's Creed. Ever hear a sermon on one word? Here's your chance! This service was a Family Sunday which includes our youngest to our oldest... have a listen and see if you can hear the controlled chaos of vitality within our community!

Click here to access our LIVE EVENTS where we post our notes and resources.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation: Life Everlasting - the forever life we believe in

Last Sunday, August 21, N. T. Wright makes the observation: "Heaven is important but it is not the end of the world." Followers of Jesus make the confession, "We believe in the life everlasting", but if heaven is not the end of the world, what is? And is it relevant for daily living?

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation: Forgiveness - the mercy we believe in

Last Sunday, August 14, Jim Foreman, our licensed marriage and family counselor, led our reflection on Forgiveness: the mercy we believe in. What is the impact that God's forgiveness has upon us? How does forgiveness transform the lives of the forgiven? What does forgiveness mean for our own relationships? When you listen to Jim's message you will understand why the first Christians were eager to confess: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins".

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation - The Holy Spirit we believe in

Last Sunday, August 7, we reflected on "The Holy Spirit We Believe In". The Holy Spirit is not a ghost, phantom, or "the Force". So, who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? Can we experience and hear Him today? As we learn about the Holy Spirit we will learn that He does not have a distance learning program. He is present for us...

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation - the Son we believe in (Part 2)

Last Sunday, July 31, Last Sunday, 31 July, we reflected again on "Jesus: The Son We Believe In". We discussed 5 things that make Jesus unique and distinct that should provoke thoughtful discussion with anyone who desires to explore faith, spirituality, and the significance of Jesus...

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation - the Church we believe in

Last Sunday, July 24 Pastor Jim Hayford was our guest speaker. Our focus was "The Church We Believe In". How do we think about the Church... what is the Church? Who are we? What do we do? Have we made Church too complicated? Listen to Jim's thoughts that reflect a lifetime of service and leadership.... He has planted churches, mentored church planters, pastored small churches and mega-churches. Since retiring from pastoring, Jim currently teaches for theological graduate schools and preaches 30 Sundays/year... doesn't sound like he is slowing down, does it?

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation: The God we believe in

Staycation. A staycation is "a vacation that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer." It is a chance to discover the wonder again of the place you live but take for granted. This is as true of our spirituality as it is of our locality! Unique to our summer series is that we will be using the words of the Apostles Creed to guide our discussion and reflection. 

On July 10, we discussed "The God We Believe In". Who is the God we believe in and how is this  this God and our faith relevant in the polarized and tragic times we live in?

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Staycation: discover the wonder again

Last Sunday, June 26, we kicked off our new series, Staycation. A staycation is "a vacation that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer." It is a chance to discover the wonder again of the place you live but take for granted. This is as true of our spirituality as it is of our locality! This summer we will explore the wonder of the spiritual life we are invited to embrace in Jesus... along the way we have some unique summer opportunities that will be posted later this week... Stay tuned!

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Why a multi-generational community?

Last Sunday, June 19, we celebrated dads and grads as we considered the significance of multi-generational opportunities for the children and youth of our community. We recommend that you check out the additional resources provided in the LIVE event link below.!

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Awesome is His rule (part 2)

Last Sunday, June 12, we continued our reflection on God's awesomeness... God always has a plan to get us to the "finish line" even when that finish line is on the other side of suffering. How do we reconcile God's awesomeness (His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence) with our suffering? Well we considered the provocative idea that God is in charge but He has chosen not to control everything He could control if he chose to... have a listen!

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Awesome is His mercy

Last Sunday, June 5, we continued our reflection on God's awesomeness... how does God express and reveal His awesomeness? Is God's awesomeness solely evident in His power to judge, overcome, and conquer? Or does God supremely reveal His awesomeness in more surprising ways... In Romans 8.1-3 we see a concrete and astonishing declaration that God uses His awesomeness to express His mercy... Awesome is His mercy! Have a listen...

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano
Awesome is His Rule

Awesome continues our exploration of Romans 8 as we turn our attention to Romans 8.17-39.  C. S. Lewis wrote, "Avoiding God, in many times and places, has proved so difficult that a very large part of the human race has failed to achieve it." It is difficult to achieve because for most of us the question is not the existence of God but the character and attributes of God. What does it mean for God to be sovereign? What does it mean to be all-powerful? All-present? All-knowing? Especially when we explore how God's "awesomeness" affects our lives, choices, and relationships. 

Last Sunday, May 22, we returned to Romans 8.28-39 and explored God's rule-- what it is and what it isn't. Along the way we asked the critical question: Does God reveal Himself in spite of the hardships, pain, suffering, and violence we endure or by way of these things. How you answer this question will shape your expectation for God's presence and frame your awareness of His character... 

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano