Save the Date: Kid's Summer Camp
Each summer kids entering 3rd-6th grade have an unforgettable week up at Forest Home Camp. Save the date now, you are going to want to plan your summer around this!
Each summer kids entering 3rd-6th grade have an unforgettable week up at Forest Home Camp. Save the date now, you are going to want to plan your summer around this!
Each summer kids entering 3rd-6th grade have an unforgettable week up at Forest Home Camp. Save the date now, you are going to want to plan your summer around this! Camp Reduced Price is $415 (Faith has covered $100 of each registration to make camp more attainable for all, additional scholarships available).
Reserve your child’s spot today with a $100 deposit. Camp does fill up quickly. Contact Pastor Lorissa with any questions.
Made for This Sports + Art Camp where kids discover passion and purpose in arts and sports as they hear about the God who made them! Each night kids will enjoy a light dinner, learn a sport, and try out a new art skill. This exciting 3-day camp will be followed up with a bonus family night on Thursday, with games, food, and parent v kids scrimmages. This camp is designed for kids entering K-6th grade. Learn more here.
Registration is $10. Learn more here.
We are looking for women, men, and youth from Faith Community Church to serve at this fun event. Sign up to serve today!
Jump into Thanksgiving Break with a blast of fun! Join us at Sky Zone for a special event during Thanksgiving Break. Bring your kids for an unforgettable holiday adventure that's sure to keep them active and entertained. $10 for 90 minutes of jump time. Register your kids and youth here.
Each year kids from our church absolutely love their time at Wild Rock Camp at Forest Home - they develop amazing friendships, their days are filled with adventure and discovery, and they have a week away to encounter Jesus!
Date: July 23-28
Age: entering 3rd-6th grade
Reduced Price: $369 (Faith Community has covered $100 of each registration to make camp more attainable for all)
Register: Secure your child’s spot with a $100 deposit today, space is limited. Register here.
Learn more about the summer camp here
Made for This Sports + Art Camp where kids discover passion and purpose in arts and sports as they hear about the God who made them! Each night kids will enjoy a light dinner, learn a sport, and try out a new art skill. This exciting 3-day camp will be followed up with a bonus family night on Thursday, with games, food, and parent v kids scrimmages. This camp is designed for kids entering K-6th grade.
Registration is $20. Learn more here.
We are looking for women, men, and youth from Faith Community Church to serve at this fun event. Sign up to serve today!
Made For This: Sports + Art Clinic, where kids discover their purpose and passion! Each student will have the chance to discover their creativity and talents through high-energy sports training and a hands-on art class. Students will be divided into an elementary class and a middle-high school class for the evening. Dinner will be provided.
Ages: elementary - high school
Registration: $5, register here
Parents - we've got your childcare covered for this Valentine's Day! So, go make a reservation somewhere nice while your kids have a blast hanging out at the Kids’ Night Out!
For kids ages 4yrs-6th grade. Cost: $10: dinner is included. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Register here.
We have a fun Christmas Party planned for kids 4yrs - 5th grade on Sunday Dec 18 during our morning worship service. There will be games, crafts, music and even a snowball fight!
Check your kids in at the Faith Kids registration under that gazebo and then bring them downstairs to the Fellowship Center for the Christmas Party.
Join Faith Kids as we head to Belmont Park for Laser Tag followed by time at a playground. Drop-off is at Belmont Park, and pick-up will be across the street at the Maruta Gardner Playground. This is a great event for kids to invite their friends to join.
1st-5th grade
$15 for 2 games of laser tag.
We will be upstairs in the Children’s Center at Faith Community Church for an open craft morning followed by playground time. Craft supplies will be available - you bring your imagination!
We will be at Murray Ridge Park this week. Kids can bring bikes, scooters, or skates if they’d like, there is a great loop to ride around. This park has no bathroom, but we are down the block from the church if you need to drive over for a quick bathroom trip.
Come out for a froyo afternoon. We are meeting up at the Yogurtland off Balboa Ave.
Join us on Thursdays during the summer for some fun times for families to connect and play.
This week we will be gathering at Waterfront Park Splash Pad
Join us on Thursdays during the summer for some fun times for families to connect and play.
Join us Thursdays during the summer for some fun times for families to connect and play. Parks, splash pads, the Bay, the zoo - San Diego has so many fun places to visit during the summer. Can’t wait to see you at some of our gatherings!
Our first Summer Play Date will be at Civita Park. You can meet us by the upper playground.
This camp is currently full. Email Pastor Deb to be placed on the wait list.
This camp is for children entering K-6th grades. The children will learn about the famous artists, Monet, Keil, Klee and Blair and then create three art projects in the style of each artist. We will use tempera paint, watercolors and a construction paper project. We will provide snacks. Each child should bring their own lunch and water bottle.
This camp is FREE!
This camp is currently full. Contact Pastor Deb to be put on the wait list.
Join us in learning basic skills of throwing, catching, fielding, hitting, and running the bases. Each day will consist of a simple teaching/message, learning and growing in baseball skills, and fun games that incorporate those skills. Best of all, we get to do this together! Bring a glove and lunch for 3 days of baseball fun!
Ages: 4-8ish | Cost: free!