Campfire Stories: The Treasure


The stories Jesus told were shocking, insulting, provocative, challenging, disrupting, unsettling, and frightening. They were anything but sweet, comforting, simple, and trite. In these short stories we  experience the creative genius of Jesus as he crafts stories and examples intended to provoke a reaction... and let me warn you, "indifference", is not an option!


Today we will look at the parable of the hidden treasure.  It's the story of man that discovers a priceless treasure in a field and in his excitement sells everything to purchase the field and embrace the treasure as his own. This isn’t a story about purchasing in the sense that we’ve got enough chips to cash in to get the Kingdom.  This is a recognition that what I have in my hands may keep me from embracing the Kingdom.  It’s the biblical theme of serving two masters.  There is nothing that can have more supremacy or priority in our lives. 


44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.

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