John 10 | The Good Shepherd
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

Our good shepherd. Jesus uses three metaphors to compare his leadership to the leadership of the religious leaders: shepherd of the sheep, the door of the sheep and the good shepherd.

Scripture: John 10:1-21


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John 9 | Growing Illumination
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

John 9 is the story of a progressing illumination. Specifically you’ll see the growing realization of who Jesus is in the life of a man who was once blind. Jesus desires for us to live in the light. For us to have a growing brightness… constantly in the work of being drawn out of darkness and into light. How better tell that story than to anchor it in the story of Jesus working in the life of a man who was born blind. This man becomes like another story of a pilgrims progress.


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John 8:31-59 | Freedom
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We were made for a life of freedom and we continually choose what makes for death and slavery. We want to make our own choices but choice in and of itself does not equal freedom.

Scriptures: John 8:31-59


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Jesus Walks On Water
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

The arrival of Jesus can startle us. His call to us though is to not be afraid because the revelation of his glory is for our benefit.

Scriptures: John 6:16-24


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Jesus Feeds 5,000
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Speaker: Mark Slomka

Will we follow Jesus for who he is not simply for what he does? Will we follow Jesus when he tests our faith? Will we follow Jesus and follow hospitality? Will we follow Jesus when he doesn’t behave like the King he is?

Scriptures: John 6:1-15


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John 5:16-47
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Speaker: Rose Males

As we hear the words of Jesus Christ in John 5:16-47, we have to wrestle with the question of how we continue, both personally and communally, to respond negatively to the words and works of Jesus. 

Scriptures: John 5:16-47


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John 5:1-15 [the lame man healed]
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

In John 5 we encounter a man who is without hope.  He sits next to what he wants but it evades him day after day.  Jesus shows up to present a greater way.  

We also interact with a group of people who have defined what rest and worship of God looks like but by going with their interpretation they overlook the healing that God is longing to do.  Jesus shows up to present a greater way.  

Scriptures: John 5:1-15


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John 4:43-54
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

Don’t just be satisfied with the miracle without pressing into the mystery of who Jesus is.

Scriptures: John 4:43-54


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John | John 2:12-25
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Speaker: Serene Neddenriep

When Jesus clears the Temple He brings it back to its original purpose; a place where people are invited to encounter the presence of God.

Today’s Scriptures: John 2:12-25


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John | John 2:1-11
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Speaker: Mark Slomka

The Wedding at Cana is an introduction to the generous characteristic of God’s Kingdom. It’s also a reminder that God’s ways are often not like ours.

Today’s Scriptures: John 2:1-11


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