John | John 1:35-51
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

When the soon to be disciples first encountered Jesus they were asked ‘what are you seeking?’ and instructed to ‘come and see’ - words that shape all who follow Jesus.

Today’s Scriptures: John 1:35-51


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Palm Sunday | Hosanna!

Speaker: Vince Medrano

When Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday the crowds shout Hosanna. Hosanna is a word of joy and it’s a word that is connected to Israel’s remembering God’s provision during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

Today’s Scriptures: Psalm 118:14,25-26, Matthew 21:8-9


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Psalm 139
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

The Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. There is no place we can find ourselves that would be absent from his presence. He also works to eliminate the things that reside within us that hinder us from being led by him.

Today’s Scriptures: Psalm 139


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John | John 1:19-34
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

Today we look at the story of John the Baptist, a man that Jesus said ‘there has arisen no one greater’.

Today’s Scriptures: John 1:19-34


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John | John 1:1-18
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Speaker: Mark Slomka

John 1:1-18 should make us: awe-struck at the presence of Jesus Christ presented here; shocked that He is largely rejected by His creation; conscious of our own inability to recognize Him; repentant for our own natural rebelliousness against Him; alert to the eternal effect of our decisions regarding Him; humbled by God’s work to bring us to recognize Him; confident that what we read in John is reliable, and hungry to know this God Who has revealed Himself.

Today’s Scriptures: John 1:1-18


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John | John's Life and Writings
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

This Sunday we kick off our series in the book of John. To start our series Pastor Lorissa discussed the transformation of John’s life as a result of his life-long relationship with Jesus.

Today’s Scriptures: John 20-21, 1 John 1


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Serve Well [Family Sunday]
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

As a community of faith we aspire to follow, love and serve. It’s a vision grounded in the Gospel narratives. In all four Gospel accounts Jesus invites people to follow Him, to love God and people, and to live as servants of all. It’s Family Sunday and we’ll be focusing on Serving Well.

Today’s Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 4:5-7


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Follow Well. Love Well. Serve Well
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Speakers: Lorissa and Vince Medrano

As a community of faith we aspire to follow, love and serve. It’s a vision grounded in the Gospel narratives. In all four Gospel accounts Jesus invites people to follow Him, to love God and people, and to live as servants of all. This Sunday we take time to visit our pursuit of this vision.

Today’s Scriptures: Matthew 16:23-24, Mark 12:28-31, Mark 10:42-45


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The Book of Jonah | Jonah 4
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

Why did Jonah run? The bewildering statement from Jonah to the Lord is that he fled from the Lord because he knew how God would respond to the repentance of Nineveh. Jonah is a prophet and is not ignorant to the ways of the Lord. We would think that this would cause him to run at the opportunity to be a part of the scene that takes place in Nineveh but it’s the opposite for Jonah. His knowledge of God causes him to run from God. The good news is that God doesn’t stop pursuing his wayward prophet.

Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 4

Psalm 139: Who Do We Get to Hate?

Throughout our stay in the book of Jonah we have also been reading Psalm 139 as a community. The end of Psalm 139 can feel problematic for us. Check out this article that offers observations that might help us navigate this tough portion of Scripture.


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The Book of Jonah | Jonah 2
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Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

The sea was a scary and dangerous place in the minds of the original readers. Humans and even the gods of the ancient near east saw the ocean and it’s depths as a threat.

But the second chapter of Jonah shows a God who has complete power of the sea yet is in an epic battle over the heart of His prophet. Will this disobedient prophet make a change as he faces the depths of the oceans and his own death?

Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 2


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The Book of Jonah | Jonah 1
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

The Book of Jonah is bigger than a story about a big fish.  Its an expertly crafted book that as we navigate we’ll find our destination is our own reflection and examination. 

Will we follow the way of this merciful and compassionate God who is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love? If we will then we must accept that this may lead us into spaces that we may initially want to run away from.  

Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 1


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Light of the World | Advent week 4
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Speaker: Serene Neddenriep

Today’s Scripture: Luke 1:76-79

“And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord. You will tell his people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.”


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Light of the World | Advent week 3
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Speaker: Vince Medrano

Jesus is the Light of the World. In contrast to walking in darkness, in Him we have hope for where we are being led. Even when tragedy strikes, or when life is uncertain, we know that by following the Light of the world we are being led to life. But we don’t treat Jesus as a means to an end. He’s not merely One that gets us from point A to point B, by following Him we learn to move like Him as we journey. 

Today’s Scripture: John 8:12

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

Listen to David Crowder Band’s Illuminate album: YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify


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Light of the World | Advent week 1
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Speaker: Lorissa and Vince Medrano

On this Family Sunday at Faith and week 1 of the Advent calendar we celebrate the Light of the World. When we look at the world around us and wherever we see darkness, pain and turmoil we know that God’s light is breaking into that darkness.


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Esther | moment 7
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Speaker: Mark Slomka

As we finish our reflections on Esther we look at some takeaways from this book that will help us navigate our lives today…

Spiritual Practices:

Today we studied Sabbath. For more info on Sabbath, listen to a interview with Pastor AJ Swoboda, author of Subversive Sabbath here.

7th Day Rest. Listen to a 5 part series from the Bible Project on Sabbath.


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