We live in the digital age. Physical communities have given way to online ones. So what makes the church unique? Why should a person get up on a Sunday, get ready, drive to a location and gather in person with others? What's the point when you can hear great sermons online and listen to all your favorite worship songs on your phone? In this teaching series, we'll explore and discover the irreplaceable, life-giving, transformative power of the church when we return to our roots and live on mission together.
The lame beggar that sits at the edge of the Temple is a beautiful picture of our own story. A story of how Jesus changed everything. Our only being able to get so far... stuck in our own limitations. We sit on the edge of where we would love to be. And we thank God that Jesus raises us up and in doing so we walk in a new life. As Peter tells the crowd, we turn to the Jesus so that we receive the refreshment that comes from the presence of the Lord.
Acts 3
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