Are Christians Different?

This past Sunday (22 November) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week Mark reflected on the question: "Are Christians Different?".Media surveys tell us that Christians in U.S. culture are perceived to be different-- meaner, more intolerant, arrogant, judgmental, and exclusive. If Christians are different, then what is that difference? 

 You can view notes and resources for this message through our  link to our LIVE EVENT.

2015Vince Medrano
13 Life-Giving/Life Changing Words (Part 2)

This past Sunday (15 November) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week Mark continued 13 Life-Giving and Live-Changing Words. Last week we asked the question, "So what?! "This week we ask the "inquiring minds want to know" journalist questions – "Why?", "How?", "Who?", and "So?". By the end of the message you will learn what an elephant, hyrax, and manatee have to do with one another -- what?! really?! 

You can view notes and resources for this message through our  link to our LIVE EVENT.

Vince Medrano
13 Life-Giving/Life-Changing Words

This past Sunday (8 November) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week Mark presented 13 Life-Giving and Live-Changing Words. Unfortunately, due to technical challenges the message was not recorded. However you can still view notes and resources through our  link to our LIVE EVENT.

Vince Medrano

This past Sunday (1 November) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week Jim Foreman presented Christ's work on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians have been broken out of the jailhouse of condemnation and released into a life of freedom in Christ.

Vince Medrano
Pursuing a good God

This past Sunday (25 October) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week we discussed that we all need a mind shift... Faith is not about the bad we are avoiding but the good God we are pursuing. In a life like this we will see the Spirit lead us into courageous acts of faith and love.  

PLEASE NOTE: We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful.
Click here to view this week's LIVE event. For this week's study notes click here.

2015Vince Medrano
In Christ: So what?!

This past Sunday (18 October) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week our theme is: "In Christ-- so what?!"  What difference does Jesus make to a life "in Christ"? Well for one thing it means that my status is defined first by relationship not accomplishment. But it also means a whole lot more... have a listen!

PLEASE NOTE: We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful.
Click here to view this week's LIVE event.

Vince Medrano
What is a Christian?

This past Sunday (11 October) we continued our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. This week we reflect on the question: What is a Christian? The answer to this question may surprise you! Have a listen and see if you agree...

PLEASE NOTE: We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful.
Click here to view this week's LIVE event.

2015Vince Medrano
New Forever

In this letter we learn about God– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We learn about who we are and how to live with strength, integrity, love, meaningful relationships, and the value of community. In Romans we learn that out of RUIN rises lives that are new, relevant, compelling, and life-giving.

This past Sunday (4 October) we began our new series based on Romans 8 -- NEW Forever. On Sunday we reflected on Paul's description of a Christian -- a follower of Jesus-- as the one who is "in Christ" and the benefits God promises. 

PLEASE NOTE: We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful.
Click here to view this week's LIVE event.

2015Vince Medrano
Living a Lively Life

This Sunday (27 September) Paul writes his favorite church describing the community there as shining stars in the darkness as they "hold fast the Word of Life". As we understand the identity of the "Word of Life" we learn how the Word of Life-Living (Jesus) and the Word of Life - Written (the Bible) foster a vibrant life that can rise above circumstances and overcome challenges. This week Mark reflects on Philippians 2.14-16 as we consider how we can live a lively life.

We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful. Click here to view this week's LIVE event.

2015Vince Medrano
Vital Signs: the case for community

This Sunday (20 September) we reflect on Vital Signs of authentic community. Along the way we examine relational viruses that hurt and healthy habits that heal. Experiencing God and experiencing authentic spiritual growth does NOT happen without an experience of community. What are the vital signs of people who desire to experience authentic community? Mark looks at 1 Thessalonians 3.6-13 for insights understanding.

We use LIVE Events as a resource during our Sunday gathering - it has links to our message slides, Scriptures used, and additional resources you might find helpful. Click here to view this week's LIVE event.

2015Vince Medrano
God's Heart for Orphans

This Sunday (13 September) Roma Korniiko from Kiev, Ukraine teaches us about God's heart for orphans and refugees in a nation torn apart by war. We also learn how God uses children to touch the heart of a nation, exemplify mercy, and introduce real change... Many thanks to Slavic Elliot for interpreting on our behalf. We just are not that fluent in Ukrainian!

2015Vince Medrano
Olders and Youngers

This Sunday (6 September) was a family Sunday – a day our entire community gathers. This week we briefly reflected on what it means to be a community of "olders" and "youngers". Have a listen – Mark was brief this week! This week there were no slides to support the message so there was no LIVE event support.

2015Vince Medrano
ETC: Money-- how will you spend your millions?

How often have you answered this question: "What would I do with a million dollars?" Well, this week we ask the question: "How will you spend your millions"" That's right, you! Because the average person in the U.S. will spend between $1.5 and $2;5 million in their lifetime. So how will we think about our spending? This week Mark provides a framework for how to think about "how we spend our money". By the way, did you know that "money" is one of the top 2 subjects Jesus spoke about?

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.


2015Vince Medrano
Encore Repeat: ETC: Driving

This week we have had people declaring: "I call hump!" when they get into a car. Where did they come up with that?! Well they heard it last week... Therefore, by popular demand we are leaving up the message Vince gave last week: Driving -- When You're On the Road. We will spend 4.3 years of our life driving and over 5.75 months sitting in traffic... should we just write that time off? Or is it possible that driving might give us opportunities that are essential and meaningful? Click here for the video referenced in Vince's message...

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano
ETC: Driving - When you are on the road

This week our topic is: Driving -- When You're On the Road. We will spend 4.3 years of our life driving and over 5.75 months sitting in traffic... should we just write that time off? Or is it possible that driving might give us opportunities that are essential and meaningful? This week Vince takes us back on the road again...

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano
Creativity - live artfully!

This week our topic is: Creativity -- Live Artfully! Creativity is more than the creative arts. Creativity is everywhere around us. In homes, in classrooms, in the games we play, the things we create, the meals we make, and the stories we tell. Everyone has been endowed by our Creator with a capacity for life-giving creativity. This week Mark invites Mark Wymore (our Worship Ministries Director) and Brian Leonard (architect and leader of our Creative Confidence workshop) to share some practical thoughts on creativity. Have a listen and be encouraged!

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano
Food - bite-sized gifts from God

This week our topic is: Food -- Bite-Sized Gifts From God. Food and related references are found in every book of the Bible. What does it mean that God created every creature to eat food? We take it for granted but the truth is that He did not have to create us to eat! We explore how food connects us to God and others, and we reflect on the moral obligations and social opportunities food uniquely provides us...

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano
Play - because life is more than work

This week we look at "play" because life is more than worship, work, and rest! H. L. Mencken, a fierce critic of the Christian faith once said: "Christians, are people who have a deep, foreboding fear that somebody, somewhere, might be having a good time.” Nothing could be further from the truth. What does "play" teach us about God and about ourselves?

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano
ETC.: the rest of life – welcome to the nightshift

This week we look at "sleep". This is a pretty important topic! Just think -- over the course of your lifetime you will devote over a third of your life to sleep! Is it possible there is more to sleep than sleep?!

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano