Encore Repeat: ETC: Driving

This week we have had people declaring: "I call hump!" when they get into a car. Where did they come up with that?! Well they heard it last week... Therefore, by popular demand we are leaving up the message Vince gave last week: Driving -- When You're On the Road. We will spend 4.3 years of our life driving and over 5.75 months sitting in traffic... should we just write that time off? Or is it possible that driving might give us opportunities that are essential and meaningful? Click here for the video referenced in Vince's message...

As part of Sunday morning we are using the LIVE resource courtesy of the YouVersion Bible app. The "LIVE Event" includes Scriptures, links to this week's sermon slides, additional Bible readings, and articles that you may find helpful. 

For a copy of this morning's LIVE event click here.

2015Vince Medrano