7 Letters (From Jesus to His Church) | To Sardis

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Sardis had an incredible reputation for their works, the trouble was that they were famous with people and not with God. The dynamic made it incredibly difficult for them to see that they were dead when they thought they were alive.


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7 Letters (From Jesus to His Church) |To Smyrna, A Word About Suffering

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Jesus gives word to Smyrna that the personally and intimately knows the suffering, poverty, and slander they are facing. They are encouraged by the Lord to endure in this current and future season of affliction.


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7 Letters (from Jesus to His Church) | An Apocalyptic, Prophetic Epistle

Speaker: Vince Medrano

The book of Revelation was written from Jesus partnering through Pastor John to encourage and challenge real people in real circumstances. To understand what's written it is critical for us to understand Apocalyptic, Prophetic and Epistle genres in scripture.


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Withered Hand

Speaker: Nathan Gushwa

Jesus is asking us to extend our hands. Will we always offer our strong hand to make ourselves look good or will we extend our withered hand and let Jesus have his way?


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Palm Sunday

Speaker: Vince Medrano

We all have grand ideas about how things would be different if we were in charge. And when we open the pages of scripture and go to specifically what are called that gospel accounts, we are interacting with the announcement to the world: This is what it looks like when God is king.


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Ephesians 1 | The Inheritance of the Spirit

Speaker: Vince Medrano

This week we close out our study on Ephesians 1:3-14. In the closing movement, we learn three points of assurance from the Holy Spirit.

1) We belong to the Father.

2) The Holy Spirit is given to us.

3) We have a taste now of Heaven and Earth being brought to unity in Jesus.


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Ephesians 1 | Blessed & Chosen

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Today we kicked off a series exploring the longest sentence in the Bible, which is Ephesians 1:3-14. The first section of this sentence describes a cosmic event where those who are in the Son are experiencing the Father restoring blessing back to humanity!!


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Rhythms of Discipleship | With Jesus & Transformation

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Today we start a sermon series on our six rhythms of discipleship. These are six movements we see demonstrated in Jesus and our hope is that his ways become more and more our ways. With Jesus - we are learning to abide with Jesus, just as Jesus abides with the Father. Transformation - we aren't merely pursuing behavior modification but below-the-surface change.


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The With God Life

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Today we explore the question 'What does it mean to really follow Jesus every day?' We do so by looking at the overarching story of Scripture.


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