Philippians | Finding Unity

Speaker: Mark Slomka

Let's be honest - this past year and a half has revealed the fault lines that run between us. In the midst of so much division and potential for division is unity even possible? 


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Philippians | Live as Citizens of Heaven

Speaker: Vince Medrano

If heaven is where we live then that changes how we live. As we live as citizens of heaven together, we’re demonstrating to the world a new way of being human.  We’re attesting to the new environment and reality that Jesus has made us alive to.

Philippians 1:27-30


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Pentecost Sunday

Speaker: Serene Neddenriep

Pentecost Sunday is known as the launch of the Church. It's God's 'endgame', where He not only dwells next to humanity but completely fills us with His presence.

Acts 2:1-4


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Philippians | To Live Is Christ

Speaker: Vince Medrano

We desire for our lives to have significance and value.  But we often think that means changing what we’re doing. What if all of our passions and areas of labor and activity weren’t eliminated but came alive in our passion for Jesus?

Philippians 1:12-26


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Philippians | Participants

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Christian community and fellowship is built upon us extending to each other what we’re receiving from Jesus. The experience of God’s generosity toward us is so powerful that it is also shaping in us an active and participatory posture toward others.

Philippians 1:3-8


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Acts 16 | The Philippian Church

Speaker: Vince Medrano

This week we spent time getting to know the people at the start of the Philippian Church. As we get to know our new friends it will help us to understand the themes brought up in the Book of Philippians

Philippians 1:1-2, Acts 16:6-40


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Philippians | A Colony of Heaven

Speaker: Lorissa Medrano

This week we launch our new series in the book of Philippians. This letter is written to a community that lives in a city which is an outpost of the Roman empire but the apostle Paul writes to encourage them to see themselves as an outpost of Heaven.

Philippians 1:1-9


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