What is a church? What does it mean to be a church? How should a church relate to our culture -- our city and nation particularly in such polarizing times? What does it mean to be a ruined church?
Romans is a letter that is advocating that a church be a community of ruined people. By "ruined" we mean:
- A community whose lives are DISRUPTED,
- A community whose passions are reDIRECTED
- A community whose egos are DEFEATED,
- A community whose minds are DISCIPLED, and
- A community whose strengths and talents are wholly DEVOTED to their Lord, to one another, and to the enterprise God has committed Himself to.
On Sunday, 18 September, we began to examine this theme in hopes that we might continue to grow and cultivate a "ruined community" that might bless, inspire, and influence women, men, youth, and children towards Jesus... This will be a challenging adventure -- join us!