Eat Right - A Family Sunday Message

Eating Right was our Family Sunday message. Prior to the recording Mark spoke on foods that are "posers". Products that are offered as "healthy choices" that are anything but! Cereals that claim to be nutritious but have less nutritional value than a package of M&M's. Fruit juices boasting that they will improve your body and brain but have more sugar and calories than a can of Coke. Protein bars that have more sugar than a Snicker's bar. Posers pretend. To spot them you must examine their label and make a decision to honor your body. In 1 Corinthians 11.20-32 Paul talks about the Lord's supper and warns us that we can be "posers". The only way to avoid it is to examine our lives and make a decision to honor the Body of Christ (His presence and His people). 

2014Vince Medrano
Nearly Famous: the life-giving legacy of being loved

This week we look at Mephibosheth – try saying that name 10 times fast! Here is a man orphaned and crippled when he was 5; self-exiled to a region whose name literally means, "the land of nothing"; and a self-esteem he, himself, describes as "a dead dog." Watch what happens when David, the King of Israel, intentionally seeks to imitate God's compassion in his care of this broken man.

2014Vince Medrano
Nearly Famous: the power of wisdom
Nearly Famous.png

This week we look at Exodus 18 and the influence of a father-in-law. The story of Jethro reveals him as a man, in whom a kind, considerate disposition, a deeply religious spirit, and a wise judgment all met in happy combination. His wisdom shapes and resources Moses to lead well. What is wisdom? What is the difference between constructive criticism and critical cynicism? What is the benefit of a wise word delivered to us? These are just some of the questions Vince addresses along the way.

2014Vince Medrano
The RUIN of religion as we know it

Paul's Judaism was ruined by his encounter with the crucified and risen Jesus. Why? Because Paul devoted his entire life to faithfully serving God only to find himself unprepared to recognize the presence of the God he served! This exploded his mind... It should RUIN our religion and explode our minds too... especially as we consider how do we express this new and "true" religion.

Click here to download this week's notes

2014Vince Medrano
May 4: Brazil and the God who Sends

This week we had a Brazil emphasis as we prayed for one of our leaders who is returning to Brazil to share Christ and pray for God's wholeness to visit people. Guest speaker Dale Downs mentors, counsels, and trains pastors in San Paolo, Brazil.

(There are no notes to download this week.)

2014Vince Medrano