One resolution to rule them all

Essentials are those things that are absolutely necessary and central. Life essentials simplify our life because they help us navigate life's demands, complexities, challenges, distractions, and opportunities. As we begin this new year we are going to visit about "Essentials". First, we will take a few weeks to consider the ONE essential Jesus said will ground us and inspire us. Then we will look at the essentials of being a community that reflects God's presence and redemptive compassion. We believe as we consider and celebrate these essentials we will discover God's presence, God's promises, God's power, and God's purposes for our lives...

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Last Sunday, January 3, Mark looked one new year's resolution that might well become a revolution for you... what is it? Have a listen!

NOTE: We use LIVE events to post our notes, Scripture reading(s), and additional resources that you might find helpful. Click here for this week's LIVE event.

2016Vince Medrano