God's Plan For NEW!

God promises that we can enjoy a NEW life in Jesus.
A NEW  life that did not exist before...
A NEW life, that we may have known about, but we now welcome for the first time.
A NEW life that begins anew regardless of how stale and broken our life has become.

NEW is an exploration of Paul's letter to the Romans, chapters 5-8. Here we discover how
God makes us new. Along the way we will discover afresh His unimaginable promises,
His unconditional grace, and His unrelenting love that gifts us with resilience, vitality, and
liberty to live the life that God created us to enjoy.

This week we look at God's plan for NEW! in Romans 5.12-21. While there are some difficult challenges in these verses we quickly learn that this is the story of and for all of us! Let's explore this together!

Click here to download this week's notes.

2015Vince Medrano