Expect "Mas" this Christmas!

The Advent/Christmas season is all about God's faithfulness to dwell with people amidst their darkness, disappointments, and dread. Advent/Christmas is God's defiant initiative, on our behalf, to free us from the limitations life imposes upon us by engaging us with hope, peace, joy, and love. These four encourage us to expect more because God always promises to bless us with more than life can give. His presence is His abiding promise inspire us to expect more. Expectancy may be a risk for many because with risk comes the possibility of disappointment. But we need not fear because God "... rewards those who sincerely seek him." (Hebrews 11.6) This Advent/Christmas season dare to "expect mas".

This past Sunday (29 November) we launched this new series during a week when our community experienced the sudden death of a member of our staff team – Calvin Nolan who died  on Monday, 23 November. This week's recording contains a remembrance time for Calvin as well as the kickoff of this new series by Pastor Vince. Advent/Christmas announces that God is present in our grief and triumphs in our sadness. 

2015Vince Medrano