We are looking forward to gathering with you for an outdoor night of worship and devotion. The gathering will be held outdoors at Faith Community Church’s playground and basketball court.
Some things to know:
We will be following county health guidelines including:
social distancing
required masks (for those 2 and older)
no hugs/handshakes or unnecessary physical contact (when this pandemic is all over, we know some of you who will be hugging EVERYONE you see for months!)
Please RSVP
Bring your own chair/s or picnic blanket
Bring your own beverages if needed
If possible, use the restroom before coming to the gathering. On site bathrooms are available, but capacity will be limited to one person.
Please remain at home if:
You or someone in your household are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms including:
sore throat
difficulty breathing
any other flu like symptoms
You have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 in the 14 days before the gathering
You are in a high risk category: we love you and miss you, but we want to remain healthy and safe!
For Families with Small Kids:
Children must remain with their parent/s throughout the entire gathering. Staying in one location for very long is hard for most kids so the event is purposefully being kept to under an hour.
There will be activity kits for kids (these kits will be yours to take home and bring with you to any future gatherings) as well as a limited number of tables available for families (please bring your own chairs).
Please RSVP so we can ensure adequate supplies
In addition, feel free to bring your child’s favorite toys, activities and snacks to use at your table. Who doesn’t love crackers and crayons?
A Note on Masks:
To help ensure the only thing we are spreading is love, everyone needs to wear a mask for the duration of their time on the Faith Community Church campus. This will be an opportunity for us to show our care for one another through the loving act of wearing a mask.
Because singing is considered a high risk activity, the California safety guidelines for singing are to sing outside, with social distancing, and a mask. We know this will feel strange at first - none of us are used to singing with a mask - but its never too late to add a new skill to your resume!