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Neighborhood Gatherings [Serra Mesa]

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Here at Faith Community Church we believe that an important part of our call as children of God is to actively love our neighborhood, to get to know the people God has given us as our literal neighbors, and to have compassion for the needs of our local communities. So in the Fall of 2019 we kicked off a new initiative to bring us together locally in the neighborhoods where we collectively live, to begin to seek the welfare of our city. These were beautiful nights of fellowship and creating space to honor the beauty and brokenness of the communities God has placed us in. 

Neighborhood Gatherings are back for 2020. Come join us again for fellowship and good food as we explore together our shared vision as a church to see: Neighbors loved, communities renewed, and the city transformed by the good news. 

March 19—Serra Mesa

April 16—Clairement 

This is the message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies, Israel’s God, to all the exiles I’ve taken from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and make yourselves at home. Put in gardens and eat what grows in that country. Marry and have children. Encourage your children to marry and have children so that you’ll thrive in that country and not waste away. Make yourselves at home there and work for the country’s welfare. Pray for Babylon’s well-being. If things go well for Babylon, things will got well for you.” (Jer 29:4-7) 

Earlier Event: March 1
Neighborhood Gatherings [Clairemont]
Later Event: March 7
Harp & Bowl Night